Clonex Rooting Gel has been used to root billions of clones across the planet. That’s right, billions.

Since 1998, Clonex Rooting Gel has been used by serious growers, plant nurseries, and more to successfully root plant cuttings. Developed by Growth Technology Ltd., it is their solution to successfully propagating plants.

Clonex Rooting GelAbout Clonex Rooting Gel

In the beginning, Growth Technology was into commercial horticulture and rooting powders were the only option for propagation but they didn’t deliver consistent results.  After a time of review and experimentation Clonex Rooting Gel was born.

Made with a unique blend of ingredients all contained in a water-based gel, Clonex Rooting Gel will relentlessly cling to plant cuttings. Meaning, it stays put and delivers the elements needed for a plant cutting to successfully root.

This also means that Clonex gel can be used on plant cuttings going into an aero cloner or a plant starter cube, because it won’t be easily washed away.  Instead it stays in contact with the stem, protects the cut area, and provides what is needed for root cells to develop.

Clonex gel won’t blow around, potentially be inhaled, or easily wash off the plant cutting, unlike rooting powders. Meaning it’s safer to use for both the grower and the plant cutting.

In short, Clonex gel is the rooting gel serious growers depend on for explosive root development.

Clonex Gel Is EPA Registered

Why does it matter that Clonex gel is EPA registered? This means that Clonex is safe for use on all plants, including food and medicinal crops. This registration applies to all 50 states plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico.

It’s also the only rooting gel approved by the Colorado and Washington Dept. of Agriculture for propagating medical marijuana plants.

Growers can feel safe in using Clonex gel on their most precious of plants.

How to Use Clonex Rooting Gel

Clonex gel is an easy to use rooting gel that will give plant cuttings what they need for explosive root development.

Here are a few tips for using Clonex Rooting Gel to successfully root plant cuttings.

  1. Pour Clonex Gel into a sterile container, such as a shot glass, before using. Dipping a plant cutting directly into the Clonex bottle will contaminate the product, resulting in a watery solution over time.
  2. Dip the entire cut area of the plant cutting into the gel. This seals the area and ensures air bubbles do not compromise the cutting.
  3. Place the dipped cutting directly into a grow plug, like Root Riot Plant Starter Cubes or an aero cloner sleeve.

Clonex Gel FAQ’s

Can I pour unused Clonex Gel back into the bottle?

                No, this will contaminate your bottle of gel and will result in the product liquefying.

How can I get the most use out of Clonex Gel?

                Storing Clonex Gel in the refrigerator will maximize the shelf-life of this product.

Once opened, how long will Clonex gel remain effective?

                Clonex gel is guaranteed for two years but, the effectiveness will be shortened if best practices are not followed.

Is gray Clonex Gel still good?

                No, if Clonex Gel is gray or a grayish color then the rooting hormone is no longer effective.